This Dayton Audio USB DAC - DAC01 is just plain amazing for it's price. I've had it for about a week. So far, it’s very nice, much more detailed than the audio out on my MacBook Pro and my older HiFimeDIY Sabre USB DAC, the sound stage has been widened, but at the same time what should be in the middle like vocals are locked in. I’m just hearing more precise details, tighter faster bass and no harshness in the highs. In the description it says it has this chipset: PCM1794 / AK4113 / VTI1729, but a friend of mine said it’s not correct and found the SA9023 USB transceiver and Burr Brown (TI) PCM5102A was inside, which it a very high end chipset. I’m using iTunes with Apple lossless files, I need to download some high-res files, but so far I’m loving it, and for the price it can’t be beat. Find it here: https://www.parts-express.com/dayton-audio-dac01-usb-audio-dac-24-bit-96-khz-rca-output--230-510